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Une vie de poésie

Elle me touche autant que la littérature, et je suis une grande amatrice de poésie anglaise. De John Clare l’amoureux, à Hugh Mac Diarmid l’extatique, et l’immense Oscar Wilde dont j’ai emprunté les paroles du plus touchant de ses poèmes, pour les mettre sur le morceau que je préfère de tout ceux que j’ai fait. "E.Ténébris" ( sur l’album Brand New)


Erik avait aussi publié un recueil de poèmes magnifiques qui s’appelait « Anneaux marines », et qui m’avait donné l’impulsion d’en écrire aussi.


J’ai aussi eu la grande chance de travailler longtemps avec un grand poète canadien, Jeff Bien, dont on disait de lui qu’il était le nouveau « Allan Ginsberg » dont j’ai eu l’autorisation de prendre quelques textes pour mes albums. (Parenthetic et I have rehearsed this death sur Access) Jeff a publié deux recueils de poèmes, « America » et « Prosody at the café du coin »

Mon poème français fétiche : « Les deux pigeons » de Lafontaine, parce que je l’avais préparé pour une audition importante au Cours Florent, et en la récitant à ma mère, elle m’avoua avoir préparer le même poème pour rentrer au Cours Simon, quand elle est arrivée à Paris, trente ans plus tôt…

Ma très chère amie idée Alpert est une poétesse américaine très spirituelle, et je vous livre ses poèmes illustrés par elle. J’ai eu le grand honneur de pouvoir lui emprunter quelques-uns des ses poèmes pour mes albums de 9 avenue b (As we appear, et  Summer hugs, sur Brand New)


Voici quelques-uns de mes poèmes préférés, et d’autres que j’ai écrit :



par William Blake, 1794

 I travelled thro' a land of Men

A land of Men and Women too

And heard £ saw such dreadful things

As cold Earth wanderers never knew



For there the babe is born in joy

That was begotten in dire woe

Just as we reap in joy the fruit

Which we in bitter tears did sow


And if the Babe is born a Boy

He's given to a Woman Old

Who nails him down upon a rock

Catches his shrieks in cups of gold


She binds iron thorns around his head

She pierces both his hands and feet

She cuts his heart out at his side

To make it feel both cold and heat


Her fingers number every Nerve

Just as a Miser counts his gold

She lives upon his shrieks and cries

And she grows young as he grows old



Till he becomes a bleeding youth

And she becomes a Virgin bright

Then he rends up his Manacles

And binds her down for his delight


He plants himsef in all her nerves

Just as a Husbandman is mould

And she becomes his dwelling place

And garden fruitful seventy fold


An aged Shadow soon he fades

Wandering round an Earthly Cot

Full filled all with gems and gold



The Stars Sun Moon all shrink away

A desart vast without a bound

And nothing left to eat or drink

And a dark desart all around


The honey of her Infant lips

The bread and wine of her sweet smile

The wild game of her roving Eye

Does him to Infancy beguile


For as he eats and drinks he grows

Younger and younger every day

And on the desart while they both

Wander in terror and dismay


Like a wild stag she flees away

Her fear plants many a thicket wild

While he pursues her night and day

By various arts of Love beguild


By various arts of Love and Hate

Till the wide desart planted oer

With labyrinths of wayward Love

Where roams the Lion Wolf and Boar


Till he becomes a wayward Babe

And she a weeping woman Old

Then many a Lover wanders here

The Sun and Stars are nearer rolld


The trees bring forth sweet Extacy

To all in the desart roam

Till many a City there is Built

And many a pleasant Shepherds home


But when they find the frowning Babe

Terror strikes thro region wide

They cry the Babe the Babe is born

And flee away on every side


For who dare touch the frowning form

His arm is withered to its root

Lions Boars Wolves all howling flee

And every Tree does shed its fruit


And none can touch that frowning form

Except it be a Woman Old

She nails him down upon a Rock

And all is done as I have told.


« two extracts from the integral text. »


écrit pour Vin Beckerman

What affected me when I saw you first was

That I was wondering what your path was, your destination

I had the feeling as I entered the place,

That I felt asleep, then woke up, but you were still looking at me in the   same light

In the meantime you walked up hills, crossed valleys and streams.

I like amazing extremes, they were meant for me.

Your ass babe, that's an axquisite extreme,

And I know a place of your body, actually two places,

Where you want my spirit to venture, I don't need to tell you.

By the way, I got really upset today while I was waiting for you.

My paranoia took me from a romantic state of grace,

To within a walking distance, a sanctuary of nevers.

But you never know what's coming your way,

Though I started to bleed, and decided not to stop the flow

I wanted to feel naturally a woman, I wish was a man,

Just like you babe a well equipped little boy,

I would have wrapped you in my arms just like you did.

You took me for a ride, that first night was so wilde....


comme dans mes rêves

Peace ... Accept   Sun ... Access Moon ... Acceed   Wind ... Activate

Fire ... Aknowledge   Wind ... Activate   Sex ... Achieve   Birds ... Align

Stars ... Aquire   You ... Adjust   Love ... Admitts   Ocean ... Admire

Sand ... Allows   Flowers ... Amaze   Sky ... Alternates   Grass ... Anticipates

Seas ... Amalgamates    And I ameliorate


écrit Pour Vin Beckerman, après notre rencontre

You never know what's coming your way

Though I started to bleed

And decided not to stop the flow

I wanted to feel naturally a woman

I wish I was a man just like you babe

A well equipped litlle boy

I would have wrapped you in my arms just like you did

I told you ...........................

You took me for a ride, that first night was so wilde

A directed death

You were driving, waiting for me to pass out in my cannaby cloud

So you could pull over

Rape me and kill me

Wait, wait, what did I skip

Twelve hours now and I can still remember your face


But I don't think I ever saw you really


écrit pour Emmanuel

A drop of you in me and my blood is renewed

A sea of ecstasy is overwhelming me

Give me your touch and break me

You know what you cand do, the field is open free

And all the way ahead goes the cycle of beauty

Don't be my ennemy but be my inner me

My sinchronicity

Measure the splendor and hear my pleasure

I'll shout it out for you

To the Moon and the Earth for recollection.


écrit pour mes bébés, avant que je sache qu’ils étaient deux…

Je ne te connais pas

Pourtant tu vis en moi

Ton souffle est dans mon corps et en moi tu résone

Peut-on etre plus proche

Je ne le pense pas

Je voudrais te donner plus encore que mon sang

Je voudrais protéger chacun de tes instants

Et parsemer ta vie de milles et une fleurs

Rapprocher le soleil, que jamais tu n'ais froid

Cueillir les plus beaux fruits, les mettre sous tes pas

Que jamais tu n'ais faim ; Que jamais tu n'ais mal

Que les anges de l'amour te comblent et te protègent

Que ta lumière soit douce aux yeux de l'univers

Et que ton ame répande des Océans d'amour

Que la Terre te protège comme toi tu le feras

Que ton coeur n'oublie pas que ton Dieu est en Toi.


parce que c'est vrai

Hiding behind your self

Hiding behing your life

Hiding behind your dreams

Hiding behind your will


Hideaway is a safe place

Hideaway is safe

Hideaway makes you bleed

Hideaway ain't real


No barriers no walls, those you've built, tare them down

No barriers no walls

And if you still see them pretend you're blind


The exit is yours

The exit is yours

Your life is yours

Push the door to freedom

Push the door to love

Push the door and breeze

You can do whatever, whatever you want to do

It's up to you

It's up to you....





écrit pour la terre

Within the peacefullness of our souls

I feel the energy drawing the path before me

You touch my hand and I radiate with beauty

The universe is one and no soul is lonely

The Earth has purifyed all the unhumane worries


mais sans contrainte, ni manuel d’utilisation…

A time, a God, a place, a face,

Who does not bellieve ?

A word, a smile, a touch, a whisper,

I know You exist !

A message, an image, a voice, a choice,

What else, then surrender…


écrit pour mes enfants Justin et Valentin

My irreplaceable, and incredible little babies ;                                      

Endless happyness you bring to our lives.

Gracefullness and peacefullness,

You spread in our hearts

Who should I be gratefull to for all this beauty,

All this happyness

Thrilling it is to see you grow everyday

More precious and   bright

How could I thank the Earth

How could I change the World, for you to be right

All I can do is show you how unique you are

How gifted, how healthy, how loved, and supported

How safe you can be as long as you will care for yourself,

As much as we do.

As long as you will care for the people around

For the Earth, for the Sun, the Moon and the Sky

The Grass, theFlower, the Water... the Wind

As long as you'll be free to make your own choices,

Your life will be enhansed

I love you I love you I love you

I don't carry the truth on my shoulders

I'm not a judge I'm not the truth

But I'm your mammy, and I love you

You will be under the light

As long as you'll love the others

As long as you 'll care for yourself

As long as you'll protect the Earth.


parce que je n’envisage rien autrement…

No ordinary pleasure

No ordinary journey

No ordinary whisper

No ordinary love


Give me no ordinary sex

Give me no ordinary car

Give me no ordinary kisses

Give me no ordinary nights


écrit pour Vin Beckerman

Miles away from the ground

I'm leaving something behind, definitely.

My paranoia is growing strong

Though I'm mooved, comfortably wrapped in your music.


People always seems to want to tell their tale,

I want you to feel my everchanging sense of multifunctionnal     capabilities.


I allmost forgot to tell you something.

I enjoyed you and O.J with Tequila, it was thrilling.


You see me how I hide, in the space behind my eyes.

Mistery is not disguise,

I'ts drawn you closer, touch my mind..........


I want to take everything you say for granted. Circles and cycles and   rythms,

We all feel together

A saying pure of heart.


Does the concept of the end is near, touch emotion touch your fear,

I don't want to be left in a world of nevers,

So to whom it may concern...


I thought it was only the lady that could feel warmth inside,

So much sweetness, did I perceive it true, did I perceive it free ?


I have to admitt that sometimes I'm dealing in advance with my memory censorship.

I'm deciding who's who in the game and who is how

I'm the creator and the consumme,

But above all, I'm the decider, or I try to be

The creator, the consummer, the decider,

Free, true, warmth, world, concern, feel, near, together, you.


écrit pour New York, ma ville

Just enough thrill

Just enough doubts

Just enough pain

Just enough

To make me want it more and more


I can feel the energy

Drawing the path before me


écrit pour le monde et l’univers

I don't want to get lost within a world of Nevers

I don't want to wake up within a world of anger

I don't want to forget why I came down on earth

All I want is spread love and respect to the others

To bring love and bring peace to my sisters and brothers

To become one with all the Universe.


écrit pour la terre

Within the peacefullness of our souls

I feel the energy drawing the path before me

You touch my hand and I radiate with beauty

The universe is one and no soul is lonely

The Earth has purifyed all the unhumane worries


écrit pour Emmanuel

Rien ne m'a paru plus clair

Que toi et moi hier

Mes reves d'un seul coup balafré

Je n'ai plus rien à faire ni plus rien à penser

Je ne veux plus pour moi qu'une seule personne c'est toi

Dans tes yeux je renais et sur ton corps je meurs

Enlève-moi de mes peurs et portes moi en toi

Comme je veux un jour dans mes entrailles humides

Porter en l'envellopant l'essence de ton sang

Et quoi que tu décides je te donne raison

Je n'aurais plus envie jamais de te dire non

Ton sourire m'a béni et ta voie me soulage

Il n'est plus rien que toi et j'en fais mon adage.


écrit pour Emmanuel

Je m'offre dans un rayon de Lune

Pour que nos âmes ne s'embrument

Je marche à l'encontre du temps

Lorsque nos mains sont engourdies

J'oublie le froid et les raisons

Qui font que je me perds en toi

Dans la mixture de nos vies

J'accouche d'un rayon de Soleil

Et dans ta chaleur saharienne

Je meurs sur toi je meurs sans bruit

            Et tout renait


de John Clare 1842-64

I hid my love when young will I

Couldn't bear the buzzing of a fly

I hid my love to my despite

Till I could not bear to look at light

I dare not gaze upon her face

But left a memory in each place

Where ere I saw a wild flower lie

I kissed and bade my love goodbye


I met her in the greenest dells

Where dew drops pearl the wood bluebells

The lost breeze kissed her bright blue eye

The bee kissed and went singing by

A sunbeam found a passage there

A gold chain round her neck so fair

As secret as the wild bee's song

She lay there all the summer long



I hid my love in field and town

Till e'en the breeze would knock me down

The bees seemed singing ballads o'er

The fly's buss turned a lion's roar
        And even silence found a tongue

To haunt me all the summer long

The riddle nature could not proove

Was nothing else but secret love


de Jeff Bien 1996

In darkness, uncertainty begins.


Here by distant shores

In motionless detail

An archipelago of silence

          Crests beneath the skin,

          Rises to our pleasure.


The morning tarries

Readies its dowry.

Steadies itself by anxious light.


The ceremony begins

Begins it self

Cast by large horizon

Where darkness shone.




Only later, much later

Do we cast our own shadows.



We walk by mountain, by dark tower,

By chosen stream.

By courtyards we wander,

Rally against minstrel death

The mannequin desire.


 Here we wander

 Playing hangman with the stars.

 Arranging castes of moons

Of planets,

           Shapeless grey matter

Harrowing the sky.



We wander

Summoned by love, by beauty,

Ciircumstance whistling pale between our lips

To the tune of temptation

The bravados of war.


And arrive

In the wilderness

Where one might come upon an ending,

Betray the silence invoke it's name.


Let us rage then

In a large fevered voice,

Accuse others of spectacle

Build lighthouses for prayer

Where old scholars, bandaging our feet,

Might bid us Godspeed

Where brave fedayeen, noble savages

Might rest.


Let us rage then

To this end, no more.

Berate others for our failure to speak,

Walk feverishly into the desert

Disarm the silence

Whisper painless incertitude

For the sake of sparing lives.


Here in the dawning of an age

Where only the dead might speak

With precision

Of the acoustics of an avalanche

In a city of avalanches,

Where only a tongue might rise

From the pale tragedy, the dull proceedings of law.


And though it is lost in the telling

The legend persists

Lingering like fragrance, marginal,

          Hanging like innocents

By our unmade beds

In this archipelago of silence

Where only men might rise

From the sea.


parce que ça me fait gerber

Inside Inside Incest Inside Innaugurate Inside Inanimate Inside    

Inaccurate Inside Induced Influenced Indoor Inequity Inside Inside

Injection Infection Inside Inspired Inexistant Inexcusable Inside

Infernal Infinity Inside Incredible Inside Inside Inanimate Inside

Inaccurate Inside Induced Inside Influenced Inside Indoor Inequity

Influenced Inspired Insect Inside Injection Inside Infection Inside

Infinity Inside Infinity Inside


écrit pour Emmanuel

Je me détache,

Doucement de cette envellope de vide,

Ou je puisais depuis longtemps

Des souffles de vies inutiles


Des récits sombres et sans écho

Coulaient de ma plume illusoire

Et je ne trouvais plus les mots

Et je ne savais plus qui croire


L'euphonie de tes yeux, m’a redonnée la vie

Ton souffle m'envahie, ton àme me remplie


Et je marche dans ta direction

T'est devenu ma vie, ma maison

T'est devenu mon lit et ma raison

Tu agites ma plume à ta façon


pour (justement) qui est concerné…

To whom it may concern

Come and find me

To whom it may concern

It is easy

To whom it may concern

I'm in the middle of the magic cecle

To whom it may concern

Waiting and resting

Before comes my Master

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