
L'histoire des Juifs de Tunisie pendant l'occupation allemande
     1ère partie >
     2ème partie >
Juifs et Musulmans en Tunisie
     1ère partie >
     2ème partie >
Kmar Ben Dana: Une intellectuelle qui ose >
Michèle Fitoussi, Femmes Tunisiennes
     1ère partie >
     2ème partie >
Regard sur l'adolescence Tunisienne >

Je suis née dans une maison remplie de livres, et j’ai beaucoup lu.
Mon père lis un livre par nuit et ne dors que très peu, moi j’aurais voulu en écrire un chaque nuit et ne dormir jamais. Mon premier livre : « Boy » de Christine de Rivoire, un pur chef d’oeuvre. Petite j’adorais Pearl Buck, parce que j’avais l’impression de voir et de sentir chacun de ses mots. Je trouvais magique le pouvoir de l’écriture et je me suis mise à écrire. Je ne me rappelle pas d’un jour sans écriture.
J’ai écrit un livre à vingt ans qui s’appelait « La grosse », et Michel Rachline qu’était à l’époque le secrétaire général des éditions Albin-Michel, l’a recorrigé de sa grosse papatte, en me promettant pendant un an où y’m traînait avec lui une fois par semaine à la Closerie des Lilas, me racontant ses amitiés avec Prévert et la clique parisienne d’écrivains de son époque, me promettant qui m’publirait, parce qu’il trouvait l’bouquin génial,mais il l’a jamais fait.
Mon auteur fétiche : Agotha Krystof
Mon livre préféré : « la mère » de Pearl Buck
Le livre qui a changé ma vie : La prophétie des Andes de James Redfield
Le livre qui m’a le plus bouleversé : « Le choix de Sophie » de William Styron

Voici le story board d’un opéra pictural que j’ai écrit il y a longtemps….




"I wish I would not have to walk on the land of Men anymore.for it is dull and flat,
and as far as men are concerned , I find them senseless and indifferent.
Here below I'm hold prisoner , I'm unchained , I blanch ,I grow dim,I suffocate.
Yet the valley is beautiful, it is thank to my Mountain.
I want to live and walk on its summits , bathe in its falls , lie down in its curves ,
have the clouds carress me and the birds sing me to sleep.
I want to ear its heart beat in mine I want to impregnate whith it’s scent
I want it to speak to me willfully, to protect me endlessly,to trancend me ,to integrate me.
I want to become one with it’s immobility, it’s silence, i’ts ligh , it’s pace, it’s peace,
It’s different face, i’ts radiant energy, it’s strenght, it’s beauty, it’s wisdom.."

Oni the young boy aged 17, was born in a green and sunny, forsaken valley.
Although he deeply loved his Mother, and was gratefull for all the beauty she showed him in life,
He could not detach from the burning desire he had for the Mountain.
He had known it from the craddle, and every time his Mother would leave the room,
there it was, powerfull gardien, omnipresent and reliable friend , feeder of his dreams , muse and lover of all times, spiritual father he never had the chance to know .
He had no secret for it and no doubts either. In its eternal silence the Mountain would provide
with the awakening of his senses , and of his consciousness . Mooving and highly spirited Mountain offering its self whenever he needed i t The relation was so intimate that they both could ear the other , vibrate , shiver , breath or rest.
According to the fact that the Mountain was also his unique source of inspiration and of true happiness, he always kept in mind the only promise he made to himself, that was to rejoin with it, body and soul.
That way he would be able to materialize all of this unspeakable passion.
He would be free to embrace it, taste it , touch it, breath it, as if it was a woman,or a mother .
To that point, he had to start on the journey, for on the most high hill, near God and the Angels, he would be able to receive aknoledgements about his life, about his destiny, in order to change his path in life, his actions, his feelings, his thoughts, his creativity, if so was the message.
The Mountain would be the guide, the passage, the savior, the ultimate exit.